Synthesis Reports

SFM Network Synthesis Reports address specific topics of interest to SFM Network Partners. These reports synthesize research results from projects conducted through the Network and elsewhere in Canada to assist foresters, planners, biologists and other forest management practitioners in the development of alternative approaches to forest management planning and operational practices.

These reports are written in plain language and provide management implications, and recommendations for implementation. They provide resource managers with new information in a form they can readily use to develop alternative management strategies or confirm that current planning and operational practices are meeting SFM objectives.

All Synthesis Reports published by the SFM Network are available online in PDF format.

For ease of navigation synthesis reports are sorted alphabetically by first author’s last name.

Formulating Aboriginal Criteria and Indicator Frameworks (2009). Marie-Christine Adam, Dan Kneeshaw. (PDF)

Public Participation in Sustainable Forest Management: Reference Poster. (2006). Tom Beckley, John Parkins, Stephen Sheppard. (PDF)

Public Participation in Sustainable Forest Management: A Reference Guide. (2006). Tom Beckley, John Parkins, Stephen Sheppard. (PDF)

Stand Structure and Composition Dynamics of Boreal Mixedwood Forest: Implications for Forest Management. (2010). Bian W. Brassard, Han Chen. (PDF)

Conserving Old Forest Cavity Users in Aggregated Harvests with Structural Retention. (2010). Hilary Cooke, Susan Hannon, Samantha Song. (PDF)

A Compendium of Sustainable Forest Management Network Computer Simulation Modeling (1995-2003). (2005). Robin Duchesneau. (PDF)

Effect of Stand vs. Landscape Level Forest Structure on Species Abundance and Distribution. (2005). Susan Hannon. (PDF)

Using The Focal Species Approach For Conserving Biodiversity In Landscapes Managed For Forestry. (2006). Susan Hannon, Cindy McCallum. (PDF)

Management Implications of Disturbance and Aging on Forest Stand Composition. (2010). Triin Hart, Han Chen, Anthony Taylor, Paul Leblanc, Steve Watson. (PDF)

Partnerships between First Nations and the Forest Sector: A National Survey. (2005). Cliff Hickey, Mark Nelson. (PDF)

Establishing Representative Ecosystems within a Managed Landscape: An Approach to Assessment of Non-Harvestable Areas. (2004). Dave Huggard. (PDF)

Fire Cycles and Forest Management: An Alternative Approach for Management of the Canadian Boreal Forest. (2007). Ève Lauzon, Yves Bergeron, Sylvie Gauthier, Dan Kneeshaw. (PDF)

Alternative Silviculture for Boreal Mixedwood Forests of Alberta. (2004). Vic Lieffers, Brigitte Grover (PDF)

Forest Dynamics, Succession and Habitat Relationships Under Differing Levels of Silviculture. (2010). Dave MacLean, Greg Adams, Gaétan Pelletier, Luke Amos-Binks. (PDF)

Legacy of the Sustainable Forest Management Network. Outcomes of Research Collaborations Among J.D. Irving, Limited, University of New Brunswick, and Université de Moncton. (2010). Dave MacLean, Luke Amos-Binks, Greg Adams, Gaétan Pelletier, Marc-André Villard. (PDF)

Global Competitiveness Index for Forest Product Industries. (2010). Shiv Nath Mehrotra, Shashi Kant (PDF)

Riparian Areas. Challenges and Opportunities for Conservation and Sustainable Forest Management. (2010). Julienne Morissette, Margaret Donnelly. (PDF)

Alternative Tenure Approaches to Achieve Sustainable Forest Management: Lessons for Canada. (2008). Harry Nelson. (PDF)

A Spatial Landscape Assessment Modeling Framework for Forest Conservation. (2010). Rob Rempel, Margaret Donnelly. (PDF)

Accommodation of Aboriginal Rights: The Need for an Aboriginal Forest Tenure. (2002). Monique Ross, Peggy Smith. (PDF)

Variable Retention Forest Harvesting: Research Synthesis and Implementation Guidelines. (2004). Robert Serrouya, Robert D’Eon. (PDF)

Managing Riparian Forests. A Decision Support System. (2010). Paul Sibley, Andy Gordon. (PDF)

A Review of Spatial Distribution Guidelines for the Managed Canadian Boreal Forest. (2006). Sylvie Sougavinski, Frédérik Doyon. (PDF)

Variable Retention: Research Findings, Trial Implementation and Operational Issues. (2002). Sylvie Sougavinski, Frédérik Doyon. (PDF)

Ethics and Research with Aboriginal Communities. (2010). Marc G. Stevenson. (PDF)

Capacity for What? Capacity for Whom? : Aboriginal Capacity and Canada’s Forest Sector. (2008). Marc G. Stevenson, Pamela Perrault. (PDF)

Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Forest Management. (2005). Marc G. Stevenson. (PDF)

Tenure and the Management of Non-Timber Forest Products in British Columbia. (2008). Sinclair Tedder. (PDF)

Implementation of Ecosystem Management in Boreal Forests: Examples from Eastern Canada. (2009). Marie-Andrée Vaillancourt, Sylvie Gauthier, Dan Kneeshaw, Yves Bergeron. (PDF)

Design of Forest Tenure Institutions – The Challenges of Governing Forests. (2010). Ilan Vertinsky, Marty Luckert. (PDF)

Climate change and Canada’s forests: From impacts to adaptation. (2009). Tim Williamson, Steve Colombo, Peter Duinker, Paul Gray, Ryan Hennessey, Daniel Houle, Mark Johnston, Aynslie Ogden, David Spittlehouse. (PDF)